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  • elenikroupi

optimising communication processes

Actualizado: 14 oct 2022

with the Use of EEG and emotion biomarkers

Audiences seem to forget 90% of business communication presentations and talks.

However, the major problem is that the little they remember is usually random

information and not the information that you as presenter want them to remember. If

you have ever found yourself in this situation and if you regularly generate and

distribute business content, then this blog post is definitely for you. In close

collaboration with Memzy we are developing brain tools to help you generate

memorable communication materials. How do we do this?

“Audiences seem to forget 90% of business communication presentations and talks. How can you help them remember?”

In a previous blog post we talked about what happens in the brain during memorable

events. Now we use this information, together with our ExperienceLab platform to

identify the relative to memory and emotion brain signatures of people who experience

communication materials (mobile apps, videos, brochures, presentations, etc.). We

translate these brain signatures into characteristics relative to memorizing content, such

as engagement, motivation, attention, working memory, emotional arousal and degree

of pleasantness (valence). Once we have defined and computed these variables, we

integrate them with the communication tool under investigation in order to extract some

valuable conclusions. For example, in the following coffee scene, the arousal is low and

the valence is medium, so the scene seems to provoke relaxation, low attentional

demands, medium motivation and working memory.

Apart from the direct visuals integrated with a video (this can be implemented offline as well as in real time), we also offer statistics across different scenes or between two different communication processes. Thus, we can give to our clients the possibility to compare the cognitive and emotional activations of their user groups between different technologies (e.g., power point presentation vs. readouts) or identify moments of interest during experiencing the same communication means all along.

For instance, in another experiment 20 people experienced a video presentation for about 7 min, while their EEG (electroencephalography) and ECG electrocardiography) was recorded. After analyzing the signals offline and extracting the above-mentioned variables, we concluded some the following (see figure below): the events labelled as ReturntoLoc, which corresponded to changing of scenes, resulted in the highest motivation (orange) across the whole video, while the most exciting part (highest valence and arousal) was the beginning of the video. Similarly, in the second internal monologue (InternalMon2) scene the working memory (yellow) and attention (green) are of the highest across the video, and combined with a high arousal (dark blue) and medium valence (light blue) this scene may be an indication of the highest surprise/interest.

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